Flower Making Fundamentals
French Flower Making Course
1h 34m
Create your own unique flowers by learning age old French flower making techniques and give a more personalised feminine touch to each piece.
Patterns: https://hat.academy/resources
LESSON PLAN: Stiffening Basics | Make a Petalled Rose |Construct a Cluster Rose | Create Blossoms
Up Next in French Flower Making Course
Open Florals
Open flowers are suitable for brides or on a simple headpiece when you do not want the floral trim to appear a large dominant feature. All patterns are included along with creative ways to arrange stamens.
Patterns: https://hat.academy/resourcesLESSON PLAN: Poppy | Dog Rose | Simple Flower
Blooms With Volume
When tilting a small headpiece or a brim, add flowers with depth and width to balance and complement the design. Lilies, Montville Roses and Chrysanthemums outlined in this lesson are ideal, perfect for your headpiece or crowns.
Patterns: https://hat.academy/resourcesLESSON PLAN: Large Lily | ...
Flower Making Sandbag
Create your own sand bag ready to hand tool each petal in the French Flower making lessons.
Patterns: https://hat.academy/resources