Millinery Essentials Course
Bring your ideas to life with 15+ hours of comprehensive millinery techniques to extend your repertoire and develop a range of creative styles. Learn something new or refresh your skills as you join Master Milliner Elaine Mergard with over 50 years of hat making experience. With over 100 techniques on demand and such a diversity of headwear on offer you are established to market your headwear collection.
» Course Requirements:
Blocking Basics
Traditional millinery blocking methods are taught using wooden millinery blocks to create a sinamay crown and brim. You will learn several ways to bind edge of brims and design bands to complete your first hats.
LESSON PLAN: Block crown and brim | Wire edge | Binding options | Connecting crown...
Crown Concepts
Make the crown the style feature of your hat as you learn several ways to cover with fabric including pleating or swathing.
LESSON PLAN: Buckram crowns | Double crowns | Fabric covering | Swathing
Creative Trims
The trim gives your hat a unique personality. Learn how to redesign feathers, form loops and bows to give height and personality to your headwear.
LESSON PLAN: Feather shaping and redesign | Variety of bows and loops in fabric or straw
Exploring Brims
Explore how to redesign your basic brim by adding or taking away to give a basic brim a sensational look.
LESSON PLAN: Insert extras | Spots & shot methods | Patchwork or pleat | Cut & curl | Extend or double up | Crinoline Brims
Headpieces And Fascinators
Discover how to make fascinator and headpiece bases in different shapes using different components plus tips to trim and line your headpiece to give a quality finish. Learn design principles and how to use fabric to co-ordinate with your clients outfit.
LESSON PLAN: Create a base in different...
Customising Blocks
Learn to maximise the use of your basic blocks to create different styles. This practical lesson will give you add on tips to utilise household items for blocking.
LESSON PLAN: Crown and brim changes | Double blocking | Saucer blocking | Enlarge crowns
Parisisal Introduction
The bias weave of the lightweight fine Parisisal Straw allows it to shape onto a block readily. Learn how to ensure a smooth finish that has strength and stability.
LESSON PLAN: Block crown and Brim separately or all in one | Techniques to finish the brim edge
Using classic millinery techniques create pillboxes as a contemporary headpiece by adorning with intriguing trims and alluring veiling. Master how to cover your foundation using fabric perfectly.
LESSON PLAN: Pillbox Foundation | Wire and cover | Create a pattern from the block | Attach trims ...
Cocktail Hats
Block foundation straw and cover a button shape with silk and other fabrics or use sinamay and sculpture with parisisal creating a different appeal.
LESSON PLAN: Cocktail Foundation | Wire and cover | Trimming and Lining | Sculpturing
Fabric Covered Brims
Your clients will love the millinery styling that results from covering the foundation brim with your chosen fabric.
LESSON PLAN: Foundation preparation | Stitched brim | Edging creatively | Covering with textured fabric
Linings For All Occasions
Give all your hats and headpieces a professional finish with a choice of lining methods to suit the style chosen. Learn how to choose the correct fabric for liners and then secure the lining in each headwear piece.
LESSON PLAN: Gathered and Pleated linings | Ruffled linings | Flat tip lining |...
Felt Fundamentals
Learn how to block and stiffen felt hats in a variety of styles. Give the brim edge a perfect finish with options taught and complete by adorning with creative felt trims.
LESSON PLAN: Blocking and stiffening felt brim and crown | Wiring and binding or bevelling brim edge | Collection of trimm...
Create this sculptured combination of a hat and fascinator. Learn to block basic Hatinator shape then discover how to remould, twist, pleat, splice, braid with the addition of textiles to give a totally new look.
LESSON PLAN: Styling and sculpturing with sinamay | Pari and crinoline | Adding f...
Leaf Trims
Leaves as a trim concept can give a unique look. Create an assortment of different leaves using materials so they can be used to compliment a beautiful flower or as a trim feature.
LESSON PLAN: Straw leaves | Silk and fabric leaves | Felt leaves | Ribbon and wired leaves
Millinery Essential Course Patterns
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Millinery Essentials Course Supplies
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Recommended millinery supplies, tools and materials.