Fabric Covered Brims
Fabric Focus
Your clients will love the millinery styling that results from covering the foundation brim with your chosen fabric.
LESSON PLAN: Foundation preparation | Stitched brim | Edging creatively | Covering with textured fabric
Up Next in Fabric Focus
Crown Concepts
Make the crown the style feature of your hat as you learn several ways to cover with fabric including pleating or swathing.
LESSON PLAN: Buckram crowns | Double crowns | Fabric covering | Swathing
Working With Buckram
Learn to block and fabric cover a buckram dome crown to then complement a shaped buckram brim. Learn the technical skills of drafting a flat pattern for this sloped brim and then cover smoothly with fabric. Diana instructs you how to edge the brim with a variety of options and then how to complet...
Using classic millinery techniques create pillboxes as a contemporary headpiece by adorning with intriguing trims and alluring veiling. Master how to cover your foundation using fabric perfectly.
LESSON PLAN: Pillbox Foundation | Wire and cover | Create a pattern from the block | Attach trims ...